Friday, June 14, 2013

Gun Control

 Personally I am not in love with guns even though I have several.  To me they are a tool.  Like many where I live you have to have at least one rifle and one shotgun.  And a 22 pistol is pretty handy also.  When you live on a farm such things are not optional.  Too many animals trying to kill your livestock.  Or an animal gets lame and sick and it is the quickest way to put them out of their misery.  So they are tools. Something we grow up around and learn to respect.  Quite frankly, when I first got a pistol it freaked me out a bit.  It dawned on me just how dangerous these things can be. 
But I don't understand this whole gun argument going on today.  First of all, even without guns there would be mass killings.  I actually think there would even be more mass killing in this country without guns.  I know the left try and say people don't protect themselves very much with firearms but that is just not the truth.  Problem is, it only gets reported when the bad guy is shot or otherwise incapacitated until the police arrive.  But there are numerous stories of people pulling out a gun and the bad guy fleeing.  But it doesn't matter what you WANT to believe, if you are honest enough to look at the facts you will see that mass killings would happen with or without guns.

 I think people want to ban guns just because they personally don't like them. That, or the really wacko left want to control you more and that would be easier if we were all disarmed.  But why do I say mass killings would still happen even if we got rid of not only the so called assault weapons but all guns.  Because mass killings already have happened without guns many times.  For example, in this country we have had several bombings in the past century that have killed several children.  2 of the most famous are the Bath school bombing and the Poe school bombing.  In the latter, 6 were killed and several more injured.  Injuries included missing limbs.  This was in 1959 in Houston Texas.  But that pales in comparison to the 1927 bombing in Bath Township, Michigan.  This one killed 38 children and 6 adults.  No guns were used.
But those are just two examples.  You can Google mass killings bombs US and see that there are several more.  But bombs and guns are the not the only things crazies will use.  Did you see the View, where they went on and on about the stabbing that happened this year (2013) in China and how no students died and so that proved we shouldn't have guns because the kids would at least still be alive.  Scarred perhaps, but alive.  How convenient that they didn't just go back two years to another stabbing in China where another madman killed 8 children with a knife.  Did they not know about that well publicized news story or did they just conveniently cover that one up.  And it is not the only such happening.  Maybe the liberal media really does just have an agenda.
Fact is, the crazies are among us and no matter what we do they will find a way to kill or otherwise hurt people.  Even if that means walking around in gangs with bats and clubbing people over the head.  Which happens by the way.  (Just Google knock out game and see what the blacks are doing in cities now.)  It makes no sense whatsoever to punish law abiding citizens because some crazy does something.  And why guns?  Have you ever asked yourself that?  More people are killed by beatings every year.  People are killed by knives, bats, cars, etc. yet the leftist goes after guns!  I can't help but think there are ulterior motives going on behind the scenes here.  If we look to history as a guide then what we find is that all dictators had to first take the guns from the citizens.  All mass killing psychopaths like Stalin took the guns away first.  Makes me wonder why, worldwide, there is this mass confiscation of guns by those in charge today.  Something to think about.
Imagine however, a world without guns.  At first thought you might think it would be utopia.  But I am here to tell you we will NEVER have utopia on this planet because men are mean, they hate, they truly are sinners.

      ( Oh gosh, I used a Biblical term.  Call out the left brigade and burn this site down.  Once upon a time this country stood solidly on Protestant principles and it was a better place for it.  But that rant is for another day.  Let's get back to point about no guns.)

 If gun control is so great then let's have total gun control.  No guns anywhere!  No military guns, no police guns.  What would happen?  Cities would be a vast wasteland.  Gangs would control the blocks.  Police would be outnumbered.  Citizens would have to join together and fight back with swords and sticks.  Yes, this would happen and has happened in history.  Still happening in inner cities.  Even though they steal guns and use them the inner city punks walk around in gangs slinging chains and knives and anything else they can get their hands on that will do bodily harm.  You know I am telling the truth or you wouldn't be afraid to walk in those areas, would you.  And with no military weapons then a country like China could invade any smaller country (which is about everybody) and take them over because it would become a numbers game with how many can sling a sword.  Yes, man has discovered that weapons, especially more advanced weapons level the playing field and keep the crazies somewhat contained.  This by the way IS what the cold war was mostly about.  Doesn't matter if you are the biggest country in the world, but if you are sitting on nuclear bombs people hesitate to mess with you.  And this my friends is why guns should never be outlawed and more people should own them.  A gun in the hands of a woman stops 4 would be rapist just like a nuclear warhead stops invading countries.  At least until they get so crazy they don't care how many die.  Some day we might have someone that crazy but so far it has worked.  Getting rid of guns only does one thing.  It makes the criminal more daring. 
Well, I stayed away from statistics in this rant but I will put a link at the bottom that shows more gun control in this country means more crime.  That has been proven over and over again.  As a matter of fact, it goes up in EVERY country when they get stricter gun laws.  I have a copy of the Wales/UK website about crime statistics and it shows how their crime shot up a LOT after they became very strict on guns.  I copied the page from that website because I figured they would eventually do away with it or change their way of counting crime to make things appear a little rosier.  I mean, how does it look when the law that is supposed to keep people safe is putting them in more danger.  Strange thing is, they kept saying crime was going down, yet anyone that cared could look at that site and see it wasn't so.  And by the way, they have taken that page down and they now have a very hard to decipher page that makes things look a little better.  Last I heard they were under reporting crimes as well.  I must be a genius!  Or maybe I just know how socialists think.

We Are at War

We Are At War

This country is at war.  A war with terror.  If we lose this war every freedom you hold near and dear will be gone.  The country you once knew will be gone and you will find yourself living in a oppressive society that will be anything but free. Yet most don't even realize this war is going on.  
Most only think off the war on terror as being in some far off place like Afghanistan or Iraq.  Most think it is just a few radical Muslims we have to contend with.  But it is far worse than that.  It is a war that is going on in every classroom in this country.  It is a war that is being fought in the media.  It is a war of ideas and their intent is to confuse and brainwash the average American into a new way of thinking.  An ideological framework that will destroy this once great nation and will destroy freedom and will ultimately allow the complete overthrow of everything that once made us great.  It is a Jihad of the mind.  
Everyday you see it in the news, on sitcoms, or in a Hollywood movie.  And yet most no longer recognize it because it has been going on for so long.  The vast majority of Americans have already been brainwashed in one form or another into this ideological fire storm.  And until we recognize it for what it is we can not take action.  And if we take no action it is over. This country is over.  The freedoms you enjoy are over.  Your life as you know it is over.  
But if we could wake people up to this reign of terror and make them understand that the REAL terrorist are those that promote this ideology then this country could maybe be saved. But if we don't get them to recognize it, and soon, it is all over.  Some day the people of this country will wake up too late and realize what they have done.  But they will probably still pass the blame to others, never allowing themselves to consider that it all happened because of a particular ideology.
An ideology that will destroy an economy while claiming to help the poor.  An ideology that makes whole classes of people act like victims, blaming others for their problems, blaming the very people that have built this country up, instead of the putting the blame where it really belongs, on their own poor choices.  An ideology that favors the criminal among us, because they are just 'misunderstood',  while oppressing the honest hard working citizen.  An ideology that thinks animals are more important than man.  An ideology that is always claiming man is the greatest problem on this planet and therefore always putting controls over man to protect 'mother' Earth from the imagined coming catastrophe.  A catastrophe which is ever changing.  An ideology that has no absolutes except that they are absolutely right and everyone else wrong.  An ideology without God and morals even while claiming to have both.  An ideology that sounds an awful lot like the Marxist of the past. An ideology that pretends to be on the side of the poor while they yuck it up in 10,000 a night hotels (I'm actually being extremely conservative with that figure believe it or not) and live in multi-million dollar houses.   Or as Tom Brokaw has referred to it, acts like Versailles. And worst of all, an ideology that thinks you are too stupid to take care of yourself!  
If you have guessed that this ideology is liberalism and Democrats you are partly right.  You would be right because this IS describing liberalism in this country.(Really we should call it leftism because it is not liberal at all!)  But you are also wrong if you think it only effects the thinking on the Democrat side of the isle.  Today there seems to be an awful lot of people calling themselves Republicans that seem just as infected with this ideology as those on the left.  It is obvious that people like Pelosi, Feinstein and Obama are extreme in their socialist leftist views and for the thinking person these people are obvious threats to all that was great in this country.  And if you pay attention you realize that most the news channels and almost all of Hollywood lean very far to the socialist side of things.  And then you have obvious left wing-nuts like Roger Moore who is especially bad because people watch his movies thinking they are factual when even that self proclaimed leftist movie reviewer Roger Ebert has admitted that Moore's movies are nothing of the such. He calls them comedic exercises to push a point.  I call them terrorist propaganda. Of course Moore is obvious but he is not pushing anything much different from most movie makers today.  But all these people are obvious haters of everything America once stood for.  But the less obvious are maybe even more of a threat to our liberties.  People that claim to be Republican and yet seem to have no idea what that really means.  People like Boehner, McCain, Romney and other such rhino Republicans seem to have a fair amount of socialist thought for people that claim to be Republicans and they are doing just as much to destroy this country.
Many Republicans today have passed just as many unconstitutional laws and fallen into the same way of thinking that the left has.  They seem just as out of touch with the common American as the Democrats.  This perhaps concerns me the most because who is left to truly defend our freedoms?  Who will stand up for truth, justice and the American way when both parties seem to have no concept of what the American way IS anymore.  Who will stand up for you when both parties think you are too stupid to take care of yourself so they want to do it for you.  They maybe pick different ways of going about it, but the result is the same, other men trying to dictate to you how to live.
And this is really the problem, isn't it.  If men are so stupid or evil to control themselves, why do we think a small group from that same gene pool will do any better?  How idiotic.  Yet all societies seem end up this way.  Look at all past civilizations.  They will usually allow certain men to control them, thinking their controllers are somehow more educated (or in many cases they considered them more holy) until everything collapses.  Then the common person rebels and kills those very people they not so long before looked up to.  Society after society has gone this route.  And unless things make a drastic change we will see it in this country soon.  Indeed, I expect something like the French Revolution to happen world wide in my lifetime.  Interesting that we are headed the same way financially and morally.  And noticed that Brokaw did use the word Versailles for the White House Correspondents' dinner.  (For those of you that don't know what he meant, he is referencing the French ruling class and all their excesses, while the people barely had enough to eat, right before the French revolution.)
 So what is one to do.  Armed uprising?  That might work if you could get a million or more people to do it all at once.  But until they lose everything people will not not stand up like that.  No, if history has shown us anything the masses will wait until they lose it all and then their anger will know no bounds.  God be with those in position of authority then!  And besides, the terrorist ( some call them politicians) have their army of men and women (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) snooping on you so they can squelch any such uprising.  Such an uprising will happen only because things have gotten so bad and the people in mass will rise up overnight.  I'm sure the powers that be are even planning on such a thing but they won't stop it.  They might slow it down but at some point the uprising will even overwhelm the FBI, CIA, Police and the military.  Happened before and will happen again.  It would be better if we could wake the people up now and get a few million people armed surrounding the White House demanding the bums leave office.  It could actually be somewhat peaceful.  It would be nice if we could just get about 10 million people marching on Washington banging on pots like they did in Czechoslovakia before it became the Czech Republic.  (See Velvet Revolution)  But I don't believe that will happen.  Instead I think the government will drive this nation into ruin like all governments eventually do and then when the people rise up it will be anything but peaceful. 
The only thing we can do is educate and try to wake the people up.  Support those that are saying the things that need to be said.  And pray that God will arouse the people before it is too late.